Every client is different and I draw from a variety of modalities. My practice is grounded in ACT, but I also pull in ideas from psychodynamic therapy, TF-CBT, and other systems. I will collaborate with you to develop an individualized approach for your needs.
I know that it can be difficult to find time for therapy in busy weekday schedules, so I offer a limited number of evening and weekend sessions.
I charge $125 per session, and currently accept direct pay on a needs-based sliding scale.
I'm currently offering services virtually, and also in-person in downtown Raleigh one day a week.

Teens & Adolescents
All young people face a unique set of challanges. My goal in working with young people in the LGBTQ+ community is to help them safely find their most authentic, best self. The comfort, joy, and freedom that comes from knowing yourself makes for a powerful foundation of resilience and strength for a long and happy life.
I also work with parents of LGBTQ+ young people who may be navigating their own journeys of discovery and acceptance of their child's identity. This can be just as challenging for you, and you deserve a safe space to process your own feelings.

Our relationships—with intimate partners, family, friends, co-workers, communities, and with ourselves—help to shape our lives. I believe that all orientations, genders, and relationship styles are valid, and all of us deserve to live our best, authentic lives.
I help adults of all ages who are facing life transitions. I specialize in the particular difficulties that lesbian, gay, and other sexual minority individuals, and members of the transgender and gender-diverse community face in today's world. I also work with adults who are navigating the unique challenges of non-mainstream relationships including consensual non-monogamy and kink lifestyles.